Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Placemat Pillows

I found the idea for these placemat pillows on another blog, but when I finally got around to making these myself I can't remember the blog I got the idea from. Believe I search all my 500 blogs that I follow several times and now I can't find it. So just to through this out there, that I did not come up with this idea on my own and I am truly sorrow I can't give credit where it is due.

It is an awesome and simple idea. Just take a placemat the has two sides, they can be the same on each side or different, your choice. I found these place mats at Kohl's. They were buy one get one free. How do you pass up a deal like that. They match my future decor perfectly. Once you find the place mats that you so desire, take your seam ripper and make a hole in one of the sides about the size of your fist. I made the hole on the long way of one and on the short side of the rest. I found it to be much easier on the shorter side. The you fill your pillow with batting. Sew it back up and you are done. See, so simple, even I can do it.

One thing to keep in mind also, is that your placemat/pillow will shrink once it is filled. I thought mine were going to be bigger than they ended up being. They will still look good though.
This is not the couch that they will be going on. Like I said earlier, they will go with my future decor. We are currently redoing some things in our house and changing it to fit our style and personalities. The couch that these pillows will be going on is chocolate swede. It should be delivered the first week of October. The color scheme we are going for in this room and kitchen will be chocolate, baby blue, tan and orange.